Saturday, April 28
While it's still fresh in my mind

Sunday, April 15
Boom, clap, cha-ching
Sunday, April 1.
This evening I experienced the most violent yet brief thunder storm in my life. It began when I heard some thunder in the distance, in the mountains. I didn’t think anything of it, so I proceeded to watch the Cardinals take a well deserved beating (I was more interested in watching the Giants game, but it wasn’t aired here – I’m happy enough that they show at least one game though). Sure enough the thunder came rollin’ in. I think I identify the time where it was pretty god damned sever when a home shaking clap came down so loudly I jumped in my seat and had the other usual stimulus response, “HOLY SHIT!” It prompted me to hustle outside to see what was really going on and was greeted with more of the same teeth shattering lightning and thunder. Mere blocks away, giant solitary bolts would come striking down close enough where that the sound and sight occurred simultaneously. Sometimes you could feel the noise in your chest. And the detail of the sound was enhanced as well: when the bolt first comes down it gives out like a crackling sound before the clap.. crahHKBAM! There was rain too, but not very much. It was windy however and so the rain came down a bit sideways, hitting you on your face.
The storm left as quickly as it had arrived.
About 30 minutes later it began raining like Noah was ready to go. Half of our terrace is now flooded. Oh, and our roof leeks, but it’s pretty negligible.
Locked and loaded. I’ve packed 5 days worth of clothes for a 12 day trip so I’ll be coming back a bit dirty. I will be however saving 25% on the rest of my bus tickets. Teachers and students get a discount on bus tickets, but only with a teacher’s ID card. My work hasn’t yet been able to provide me with one, though I deserve it. Also, neither have they issued one to several other teachers who rightly deserve them. They’re just laggin’ really. So I took it upon myself to, uh, make some. So I did. They’re pretty damn good if you ask me. Scanner, photoshop, print, cut, laminate. Bada bing badda boom, an ID that reflects the same fly-by-nightishness of the original.
(none of this though will get sent until I return)
I'm back
I’m back, very sick, and my camera was stolen by Mexican military personnel. A lengthy post is forthcoming, whenever I feel up to it. Don’t fret however; there still are pictures, but not the ones I took.