Sunday, March 1

Law school

When I first came to Mexico I was dizzy with the experience of it all: Customs, misunderstandings, different perspectives, and the challenge of learning Spanish. After two years I can comfortably say that I’ve done what I’ve accomplished to do. I’ve done it, and I’m done.


I applied to 10 tier three law schools and have been accepted to 6, waitlisted by 2, and rejected by 2. I was accepted to two schools in my hometown of San Diego, of which it was hard for me to turn down. San Diego is simply far too expensive and the schools offer as much as the other schools I have been accepted to. In the end, I decided on St. Mary’s in San Antonio TEXAS. That’s right – Texas – the state I’ve spent my whole Californian life making fun of. Despite my life-long bias I made a choice based on reason. The cost of living in San Antonio is very low, the city is big enough, has a large Mexican demographic, and the school is a host to clinics and concentrations that interest me. Not to mention. Further, based on ABA stats, the school has a high bar passage and employment rates for graduates. Bias and reason notwithstanding however, I’ve realized that living in southern Mexico has sufficiently calloused my quality of life standards to the point that almost any American city will seem luxurious, be it San Antonio, San Diego, or Nashville.


All in all, I’ll be outta here sometime in July…  Two years have gone by pretty quickly, but now that I have something to look forward to I’m sure that the next five months will crawl.

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