Tuesday, November 28


So I've accepted a job teaching English as a foreign language in San Luis Potisi, Mexico. I'll arrive there early in the morning the very day after Christmas. I begin on the 2nd of January. Some have shared with me their sympathies of having to travel on Christmas day, but it doesn't bother me. Indeed, I think that this holiday is foolish in some aspects (and in more ways than the obvious theistic one). A few have even thought that the company that hired me, English Unlimited, has forced me to travel on this day. On the contrary; flying on December 25th was my choice. My starting wage will be 45 pesos per hour - supposedly a prime rate for entry level teachers - and a minimum of 25 hours per week. I'll save you checking the conversion rate: That's a whopping $4.05 in U.S. dollars. However don't despair-- this is a livable wage in this nick of the woods. It seems that everybody who learns of this is more excited for me than I am for myself. "Oh, you're going to have so much fun!" they say. Well, what's excitement for them is anxiety for me. I'm going to be performing a job for which I bear little qualification for, and have even less experience. If there is any elation accompanied by this change though, it is for leaving my current dead-end warehousing job - the place for which I hold a special kind of loath and hatred for. Click here to read what Wikipedia has to say about San Luis Potosi (notice that the elevation is 6,157 feet - burrrr):


Luke said...


Christopher said...

porque? porque.

opa said...

hello. good luck. no great grandchildren!

stanley pothoven said...

We all know you'll do just fine, you always do. Here's wishing you the best of luck. I hope opa doesn't get to wild with your car........

Sabrina said...

Welcome to my old town. San Luis. I lived there for 20 years, don't worry about the cold, it might go under cero twice in winter but not for long. Also don't worry about rains, you might not see any for months :). Go visit the downtown and try Enchiladas potosinas. I miss them.

Good look and if you need something i still have friends living there :)