Thursday, May 24

quick response to questions axed

Yeah, I’ve eaten at Frida’s a few times already – the one right there on Valentine Gama and Caranza, right?

The only race related conversations I have in my classes are the ones that I can more reliably testify to; the racism that I’m familiar with in my region. It would be a little presumptuous to nosy my way into their can of worms. This doesn’t exclude my ability to reflect on what I think I see however, at least not with members of this region. This liberty permitting, this is my opinion (which after re-reading, might apply to all forms of prejudice, etc.): I think the acceptability of pointing out another’s differences which correlate to their social status and/or negative public and personal perception is at least saliently oppressive. This is so because it cultivates and maintains a false mode of thinking that there is some sort of causality happening there – that these sorted qualities direct their plight. And surely this is somewhat believable from the accepted understanding that the generally held thoughts of a group-mind are rarely logical and easily swayed. So at least for these reasons, the circularity of their respective plights persists (ranging from criminalization to poor self-esteem).

I’m guessing that your Spanish phrase there translates to something to the likes of ‘take it as it comes,’ hinting at that words have their respective meanings per context. Yep, it seems that’s pretty normal for languages (see Wittgenstein).

Sorry I haven’t taken this opportunity to continue the southern trip, but your message’s topic seemed to roll right off my fingers faster than it would have. Next time perhaps.


ignorante said...
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ignorante said...
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Sabrina said...

:) Mexico de Frida, my favorite restaurant. Glad you had been there already.

:) Thanks for the answer is a good way for me to understand several things that sometimes I see here and iI really can't understand. :) it's part of live in the middle of a different culture... not so different but not similar at all.

:( I forgot my english just with one month at San Luis.. :S..

Keep writting!!!! :)

ignorante said...
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christine said...

I think I'm missing something here. Did you delete some comments along the way here?