Tuesday, July 15

policiaca de la cuenca

My last post got me thinking about posting the nasty articles found in the news papers here, so, I did. You can find that blog here. I've cut out a bunch of articles with some really F'd up images and articles to be posted, and in so doing I've horrified the occasional student or staff member passing by or visiting me in my office. And to think this whole time I thought they were OK with what they read. I guess it's taking it a step too far when they're actually collected. The cleaning lady was especially interested in what I was doing with them. I told her that I was posting them on the Internet to show how crazy it is here. Naturally, she said that it's not a violent place. She then asked me if I knew the gardener that was recently killed. I guess natives defend their hometowns even in the face of their own unsolicited inconsistencies.


Luke said...
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Luke said...

Interestingly although Mexico has roughly 3x the murder rate of the U.S. (probably even more if you consider crimes are underreported in Mexico) the rates for murder by firearms are about the same in both countries. So not only does Mexico kill more, they do it creatively. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Mexico#Crime_rates

Christopher said...

I have a few waiting to be posted that illustrate your creativity hypothesis.