Tuesday, January 30

Soccer and weddings

Alright, so the soccer game wasn’t that exciting – that is to say, everybody behaved themselves. I did however learn a great deal of Spanish profanity. San Luis lost 2-1. There was no scoreboard and the stadium is still under construction. Everybody is frisked several times on their way in. A friend said that he’s taken in his digital camera despite their policy of not permitting anything with disposable batteries for fear that they might be used as projectiles. He advised me to do as he’s done; bank on your gringo innocence. So, I mentally rehearsed saying what I needed to say, that I’m a tourist and I just want to take pictures, etc… it worked, though I had to say the same lines to each of the three ass-grabbing cops. Lets see, the beer was 20 pesos and it comes to you, you don’t go to it – in fact, you can’t get beer otherwise.

After the game one of the guys, Mexican, asked if we wanted to go to a wedding reception. There was me, one other teacher and 4 locals. We were all scroungy and not at all prepared to attend a wedding reception. The other gringo and I said that we probably shouldn’t, but then he mentioned free food and booze. Say no more. We actually ended up having a great time regardless of how underdressed we were.

More craziness ensued. We went to some person’s house and … well, I’m not entirely sure what happened. The next thing I know, I’m at my front door at around 4am. I lost my keys again and had to wake up my roommates to let me in. They weren’t too happy about that. Eventually my keys turned up in some dude’s car.

Today the first ever anti-American sentiment has crossed my path – well, it was actually directed at me. And by none other than a Canadian! I didn't take it personally though because she doesn’t even know the name of her very own PM. Fool. Nobody takes Canadians seriously anyway (except my dad - love ya, pops!)


ignorante said...

And what was it? The sentiment - how was it expressed? Against american people? George W. Bush (I'm in, there)? against american culture? against american ways?
That's an interesting one, please give more details.
And we fans are still waiting for the outcome of the discussion on politics.
atte. (in)famous Sabrina's brother.

Christopher said...

Alright - I'll give you the niddy gritty on my next post. Luncha libre today, guey!

ignorante said...

ha ha ha ha
have fun
get a mask
- the golden one

Sabrina said...
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Anonymous said...

i miss you.

Sabrina said...

buuu..ya no vamos a postear chris?

We miss your posts!!!! at least I do.

Christopher said...

I've posted some stuff.. there really hasn't been anything monumental recently. Also, I'm incredibly busy having more classes that I can rightly handle. Well, I can manage, but it doesn't leave me much time for other things.

Sabrina said...

:( so sad... I liked to read your posts :(

Christopher said...

Strange things are afoot - stay tuned. I just haven't had time recently to get it down on "paper."