Monday, March 26

Malo Suerte

After work Saturday I managed to get in a few winks until the festivities began. After a week of split shifts – waking up early and going to bed late – it’s nice to sleep past 4 in the evening (normally mid-day naps run only until then, when I have to go back to work). I woke up at around 7. Feeling as great as I did, it seemed natural to stand up in bed and walk off onto the ground. I wanted to start the evening off on the right foot. Well, it turned out to be the left, and like a ballerina. At a little after 7PM on Saturday, March 24th, I broke my middle toe; the consequence of introducing 163 pounds rather abruptly.

            Well, I’m not sure if I broke it. I think that it would hurt a bit more if I had, but it sure is purple, though not severely swollen. At any rate, I still went to the club and soon realized that it were better that I sat, so I did.

            The next morning, today, I got up to take a shower. Showering around these parts can be quite a task. First of all, you have to turn on the water heater about 45 minutes before you intend to bathe. We leave it off to save gas (a common practice in most dwellings). Once I have some hot water, I crank up the hot water faucet for only cold water to dribble out. It takes some time to warm, and then I increase the total pressure by turning on some cold water. For the most part it’s still like being pissed on. After 5 minutes or so, the pressure just drops. Figuring that we ran out of water, I laughed it off (a learned talent), dried off and walked out. Rounding the corner to my room, I heard the clanking of dishwashing. Upon checking it out I realized that the bastard dishwasher, my roommate, was hogging up all the water. So, I told him to stop and started my shower back up again. This time, after lathering my head up with shampoo, the water really did run out. Luckily however, there was still that dribble from the hot water left. I might still have some soap in my hair. Normally, we’d simply turn on the pump to send more water to the tank, but we share it with the people downstairs and only they have access to the switch, so we’re sort of at their whim.

            The good news however is that I bought a hackie sack for 15 pesos. It’s pretty good quality.         I went to a museum today. It was alright. I’ll write more about it later. I also saw 300. It’s bad-ass. My room is a sty. Semana santa is rapidly approaching.

            The student reviews have come back and my students love me. Out of 16 teachers, I came in between 2nd or 4th for every category for every class. I think it has something do with having an intermediate level instead of an advanced one. It’s a commonly held that students of advanced classes are arrogant know-it-alls that are often impossible to please. Getting good marks from my 7am class took me by surprise seeing how that I often don’t even realize that I myself am even there speaking English, little alone teaching it.


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